They Blinded Me With Science – 1.3 – The Mysterious Phone Call

Life in Sunset Valley was extremely different than Bridgeport and it was taking some getting used to. Though the view from my land was certainly one thing I got used to very quickly!

I was grateful to whoever gave me the newspaper subscription. I read it every morning and usually reread it at some point later in the day. It was all I had to do, really, other than going to the park. Which is something I did quite often. I really enjoyed it there, pleased by the sound of the fountain and the scent of the flowers. Plus I could play chess… for free!

It was at the park where I got a call back from the manager at the grocery store. I was asked to come in for an interview, which was a good sign–right? I set up the interview for the next day and then went back to my land to check on how far Pauline had gotten.

“Not bad,” I said to myself. I was kinda hoping all four walls would be up by now but Pauline worked alone. Which meant she worked slowly. However that also meant she was very inexpensive and I could afford to get this done. So I wasn’t gonna complain. After talking with her about prices, I realized that I would pretty much have zero simoleons by the time this was finished… unless I got that job.

That night I ate the last of my food for dinner.

I chewed very slowly, contemplating my position in life. I mentally made a list of the things I’d need the most, once my house was done. A toilet for sure, so I didn’t have to go running over to the park every time I needed to use one. And a shower–I was beginning to smell a bit funky from being unable to wash up in anything more than a sink. Maybe in the morning before my interview I’d take a swim in the ocean. Then at least I’d smell like the sea instead of my own sweat.


Even though I wasn’t late I ran all the way to the grocery store the next morning. I felt better about myself since when I arrived at the beach I discovered little shower-type things that allowed me to rinse off. I rinsed off fully-dressed (since there were no curtains to hide me from public eye) and then lay in the sun till I dried off. My phone said I had ten minutes to get to the interview but I always liked being early.

I was asked all sorts of questions. A bit about my past, a bit about what I wanted out of life, and of course about my skills. I did some math for them and bagged fake groceries for what felt like an hour. Once I was through the manager shook my hand and welcomed me to the team.

“Be here tomorrow at four. You’ll be restocking the produce.”

I thanked him several times before heading on home. And it was starting to look like a home, too! Pauline only had one more wall to put up and since she was finished with the other job she had she promised me that the next day I would have all the walls, a door, and a bathroom.


The next day I wore my other set of clothes as I went to the park. In the bathroom, I used the sink to wash my good(ish) clothes and then scrub myself off. The rest of the day was spent under the sun to dry off and I felt pretty clean by the time I got to the store to start my day.

Boy it was busy! There were so many vegetables! SO MUCH FRUIT! And the fruit was taken out of the bins at a pretty fast rate. Apples and watermelons were big sellers in this town and I discovered from a co-worker it was because of superstition.

“According to an old-wives tale, if you eat a bunch of apples when you’re preggers you’ll have a boy,” my co-worker explained. “And watermelon gives you a girl.”

I just rolled my eyes as I added more watermelons to the bin. Some people would believe anything.


After what felt like twelve hours, my three hour shift was over. I took off my apron and walked out of the store, stretching my sore arms and rubbing my sore shoulders. When I stepped through the doors I glanced towards my land. I quickly headed on over, overjoyed to see a front door! I ran inside and beamed at the tiny room in the corner. There was already a door up for that, too, and I quickly went inside.

Nothing yet, but that made sense. I hadn’t gotten a shower or toilet. I would have to stop by the general store in the morning to get one. I went over to my backpack and pulled out the two plaques from school. I hung them up on the wall, first my graduation certificate and then my ‘Most Likely’ award.

I slept pretty soundly that night, the best I had slept in ages.


“Hey Jacob!”

“Hey Aiden,” I said, tilting my head so I could rest the phone between my head and shoulder. “I was wondering if you’d do me a big favor.”

“What is it?”

“Well I finally have a roof but only one window. Pauline promised to get them in tomorrow but I was wondering if you’d help me install some lights?”

“Sure thing!” Aiden replied. “I’ll be over in a jiffy.”

When Aiden arrived I showed him where the windows would be and so together we worked on where to put the lights. He seemed a bit nervous as we did and finally I asked him if he was okay. When I did, he practically jumped out of his skin.

“Yes!” he gulped. “Why?”

“You look pale. Is everything going all right? How’s work?”

“W-work?” he stammered, eyes going a bit wide. “Why? Did something happen? Did you hear something?”

I frowned, my brow furrowing at this strange behavior. “No, I’m just worried about you. Did something happen at work?”

Aiden blinked several times them smiled. “No. We have a project going on but… not making much headway. Can’t tell you anymore, you know. Top secret.”

I nodded and went back to working on the light fixture. Aiden worked at the science facility in town and was often talking about their strange experiments. At least, he talked about the experiments that weren’t being kept quiet. Sometimes I wondered if they were doing something illegal but I trusted Aiden.

“Your house is looking great!” Aiden exclaimed once we finished getting the lights up and turned on.

We talked about my house and he said he’d help me get my bathroom stuff installed when I was able to, and put the lights up in there. After he left I curled up on my sleeping bag. It took me a while to get to sleep that night and I stared up at the night sky, hoping it didn’t rain before the roof was put up the next day. Rain and electricity didn’t exactly go well together….


Not bad, I thought when I went into my house after work the next day. Pauline was still there, packing up her things.

She grinned at me. “Oh good, I was hoping to catch you. Tomorrow I’ll start work on the windows and then the finishing touches–wallpaper, paint, siding, floors…” She lifted her eyebrows, staring at me with a sly smile. “What colors are you thinking?”

“Green!” I replied immediately. “I want this room to be green.”

Pauline giggled and stepped closer to me. “What about the bathroom?”

I turned slightly away from her, hoping I wouldn’t accidentally insult her. “White?” I asked.

“White,” she agreed. “Wooden floors will be the cheapest but I’m thinking tiles or linoleum for the bathroom…”

We discussed floors and what color of frames for the window and then she left, shutting the door behind her. I then called Aiden and he drove over, bringing the shower and toilet I had bought. It took us late into the night to get everything installed but I was more than ecstatic once it was done.

A bathroom! A real bathroom! My own bathroom! No more running to the park in an emergency, no more getting showers fully dressed. I celebrated by getting a shower which felt amazing. I didn’t have hot water yet but I didn’t care. I just felt so pleased to be clean.

I crawled into my sleeping bag and began to drift to sleep.





I sat up, gasping slightly at the sound that had jarred me from my dreams. It was really late, who on earth would be calling. I unzipped the sleeping bag and pulled the phone out, rubbing one eye sleepily as I answered.


“Hello, is this Jacob Danevbie?”

I stifled a yawn. “Yeah, and it’s almost midnight. Who’s this?”

“I work for the Landgraab Industries. I’m sure you’ve heard of us.”

My mind was a bit fuzzy but then it clicked. “Oh yeah, the science lab. Wait–that’s where Aiden works. Is Aiden okay? Was there an accident?”

There was silence for a moment. “Mr. Jones is fine, he’s at home. I’m calling about something else. We heard, ah, through the grapevine that you’ve been doing quite well with logic.” I was extremely confused and when I didn’t respond, the person on the other line continued. “I was wondering if you’d do us a favor?”

“What’s going on?”

“We were wondering if you could possibly talk to someone… let’s just call her a friend of ours, who seems to think that logic isn’t as… important as it really is. You understand, surely?”

“What’s this about?” I demanded, feeling very grouchy now and more than bewildered. “It’s almost midnight and–“

“Mr. Danevbie, we’re sorry for the late hour but it’s been a bit of a busy day for us.” I couldn’t tell whether it was a male or a female and I asked for their name. The person just sighed slightly. “That’s not the issue. We were wondering if you could possibly talk with our friend about the logic problem.”

“THIS IS INSANE!” I yelled into the phone. “You call me up in the middle of the night and–“

“There will be compensation, of course,” the person cooed. “If you agree to this we will send you a ‘gift’ in thanks for your help, something like a book perhaps? Mr. Jones seemed to think you’d help us out with this.”

I rubbed my temples and then shook my head. “Okay, fine.”

“Good! We’ll send you a text with all the information. Have a goodnight, Mr. Danevbie.”

Click. I looked down at the phone, wondering if I had just agreed to do something illegal. Then my phone chirped as I received the text. There was a picture, a name, and an address. I closed my phone and went back into my sleeping bag, deciding to deal with this in the morning and also to give Aiden a call to try to figure out what the heck just happened.

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33 Responses to They Blinded Me With Science – 1.3 – The Mysterious Phone Call

  1. 😀 I like it so far. ❤

  2. “According to an old-wives tale, if you eat a bunch of apples when you’re preggers you’ll have a boy,” my co-worker explained. “And watermelon gives you a girl.”

    I just rolled my eyes as I added more watermelons to the bin. Some people would believe anything.

    HAHAHA. Best. Line. EVER!

    Hmm…this is quite interesting!

  3. Oops. I accidentally copied too much of the comment there! I only meant to copy this:
    “According to an old-wives tale, if you eat a bunch of apples when you’re preggers you’ll have a boy,” my co-worker explained. “And watermelon gives you a girl.”

    I just rolled my eyes as I added more watermelons to the bin. Some people would believe anything.

    Hehh. If you want to edit that, go ahead! 🙂

  4. I love how your slowly building the house. I always try that but always give up and build it.

    • sErindeppity says:

      It was so hard not to give him a finished house right away >_< He hardly had any money so I couldn't give him much but it was weird having to send him to the park every time he had to pee!!

      • I use the gym a lot. Or sometimes I will make them like a tent with a roof and just four poles. I am really loving this legacy so I added you to my blog roll on my page.

      • sErindeppity says:

        I would use the gym more but there’s a bug in my game and the athletic skill of my sims never go up 😦 Plus I decided that in the game, in order to use the gym facilities like a toilet or shower, they’d have to belong to the gym. When I had him go into the gym a couple times I used a cheat code to take away like, ten or so simoleons.

  5. Rae says:

    Loving the update. Sorry it’s so slow, but a girl can only multi task so much and I’ve been doing some hardcore gaming and close it to chat to there 2 unfavored people and read a few lines then back to game, rise repeat and rinse again. I love the mystery at the end.

  6. Everytime I read a chapter I think how nice it is that things are looking up.. and then I remember the prologue. It obviously went wrong, really wrong, at some point! Hopefully he’ll have some time left before then :/
    His house is starting to look nice! Looking forward to seeing it furnished! 🙂

    • sErindeppity says:

      Heh yeah, Jacob’s life is very difficult, but he does try to look on the bright side of things.
      It was hard not to just build the house and furnish it, I really wanted to have it be a slow process.

  7. I enjoyed this chapter. 🙂

    I had a laugh at the end at the shady scientists. I wonder whats up with that?

    • sErindeppity says:

      I just cannot wait to see what you have to say about the shady scientists later. 😀 -flails excitedly- You don’t know how happy you’re making me by commenting as well as reading ^_^ ❤ ❤ (not that you HAVE to comment or anything xD don’t feel obligated)

  8. jonso says:

    I liked your last “flailing excitedly” comment. 🙂 I just started your prologue and have gotten here. Entertaining so far! Click my username for my blog 😉

    • sErindeppity says:

      Hehehe thanks 🙂 and thanks for commenting! I hope you enjoy the legacy and I will check out yours as soon as I can ❤ probably sometime later this week ^_^

  9. I’m loving this so far, and I’m really enjoying your writing style. Lucky me, I have a few chapters to catch up on 😉

    • sErindeppity says:

      Aw thanks for reading and commenting! I hope you like everything. And yep, you have quite a few haha. I’ve been really enjoying your legacy and am excited I have quite a bit to read as well!

  10. FruHurricane says:

    I like how that phone call speaks about the importance of logic and is completely unlogical itself. XD

  11. zefiewings says:

    great twist to the opportunity call!
    looking forward to reading more.

  12. lilmonster says:

    Lol, I never thought about how weird those random phone calls are – and I would have never thought to incorporate one into my story. I can’t wait to see where you go with this:)

    • sErindeppity says:

      I knowwww when I played the game the phone calls were just normal things, and then when I started this legacy it was like, “wait, those are pretty creepy actually. What if Jacob actually got those?”

  13. amandralynn says:

    I really like the party about the apples and watermelons. I’m happy for Jake that he now has a bathroom and doesn’t have to run to the park.

  14. He’s on his way! A job, a house (well, minus a roof), and a mysterious opportunity for the Landgraabs. Seems all those chess games with himself caught someone’s attention.

    • sErindeppity says:

      Yep! The house is coming along at least ^_^ There are some strange eyes and ears in Sunset Valley!
      (though talking about this makes me realize I should put more of the game aspects back in now and again, it’s been a while!)

  15. Rose Eaton says:

    I always get super excited when I can afford walls. It’s a proud moment for my sim babies. Jacob seems like a trooper though I’m now worried that he’s getting mixed up in science… The generation title tells me this is a BAD idea! Not sure about the clothed showed malarkey… Sounds grimy,!
    R XX

  16. lovesstorms says:

    Yay! A House! So thankful that he finally doesn’t have to pee at the park anymore. LOL!! It’ll be interesting to see what the science facility really wants him to do. How rude to call so late! 😉

    I just added your story to my blog list for the story that I’m doing. 🙂 Good job!

    • sErindeppity says:

      Definitely a relief for him to have walls and a house and all that ^_^ the science facility seems pretty interested in him yeah 😉
      And ah thank you! I’m very honored to be on your blog list ❤

  17. LOL, I adored how you worked in the apple/watermelon cheat into your chapter. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone do that before. I liked it so much because I love that cheat for legacies. XD
    Whoa… I wonder why Aiden was so suspicious and shifty when he was over at Jacob’s. It was so cute to see Jacob be so excited about a shower and toilet. I completely understand, when you’ve been deprived for a while, the little things make the largest difference.

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